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Thicket through Bioneers

THICKET: Navigating Emotional Resilience in the Face of Climate Change

Live Online Course with Eva Jahn LPC & Elizabeth Acuña Driscoll LPC
Through Bioneers Learning

Thicket offers those on the frontlines of climate work—including scientists, journalists, activists, and others—a space to build the resilience essential for sustaining their vital efforts. Presented by the Climate Emotional Resilience Institute, this 8-week experiential program provides practical tools, emotional resilience training, and community support to help participants stay grounded and engaged amid the climate crisis.

As Susi Moser reminds us, "Burnt-out people aren't equipped to serve a burning planet." To effectively do this work, we need to confront our own subjective experience and feelings towards the climate crisis.

In nature, thickets provide small ecosystems of shelter and sustenance, emerging from the need to adapt in human or naturally disturbed areas. In this Thicket, we utilize specific evidence-based practices in a community context to strengthen self-regulation, emotional intelligence, and strategies to maintain our engagement with the more-than-human world.

Over 8 weeks, Thicket follows the spiral of the Work That Reconnects, guiding participants through 4 modules rooted in our pillars of emotional resilience: contemplative practices, nature journeys, community support, and curated resources to explore each week. These practices are designed to help you develop the presence and resilience needed to face the unique beauty and challenges of our time.

Each module spans 2 weeks with a structured mix of contemplative practices, nature explorations, and reading and viewing resources to enrich our weekly discussions. Every other Monday (11:30 am - 1 pm PT), our live Zoom gatherings offer a space for sharing insights and navigating challenges together, fostering a sense of connection and collective support.

December 21

Winter Solstice Celebration

January 22

10-step to Resilience & Empowerment in a Chaotic Climate