Co-Founder & Facilitator
Elizabeth (she/her) is a contemplative, analytically oriented climate-aware psychotherapist. She is a clinical supervisor at Boulder Emotional Wellness and faculty of the International Center for Mental Health & Human Rights. Elizabeth has taught Group Counseling Theory and Practice for the Graduate Program at Naropa University and is a long-term American Group Psychotherapy Association member (AGPA). She was on the Women and Aggression: History, Healing, and Power panel and led workshops at their national conference. Elizabeth served on her local affiliate AGPA board and is a Chair of Special Interest Groups for the national organization. In addition, as faculty of the International Center for Mental Health & Human Rights, she has facilitated the Contemplative Based Trauma and Resiliency curriculum through Boulder Valley Care Network and online internationally.
Elizabeth is a member of the Climate Psychology Alliance of North America. She co-developed and facilitates the Thicket training and holds a Climate Psychology Certificate from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Elizabeth received her Masters of Arts in Psychology: Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University in Boulder Colorado, weaving contemporary western psychological approaches and offerings grounded in the Buddhist contemplative wisdom tradition. She had the privilege to receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings from Thich Nhat Hanh and practiced mindful walking with him and the Order of Interbeing Sangha in the diverse landscapes of India; Varanasi, Bodh Gaya, and Vulture Peak.