Founder & Executive Director

Eva (she/her) is a multi-lingual licensed psychotherapist in private practice, executive director of the Climate Emotional Resilience Institute, co-creator of their online training Thicket and a Work That Reconnects facilitator. As an international experiential educator, Eva facilitates workshops, trainings, and offers speaking engagements to organizations, universities and activist groups. She teaches on climate psychology and how to find a supportive balance between internal and external activism through the lens of the Work That Reconnects.

Her own complex feelings about the immenseness of the collapse of this planet has sparked a passion to bring therapeutic support for climate-related distress such as anxiety and grief into her psychotherapy practice and wider spaces.

As faculty for CERI, Eva’s workshops are influenced by her international studies and work in climate psychology and experiential cross-cultural education, neuroscience, nature-based and contemplative mindfulness practices, group dynamics, and her dedication to Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects. She is passionate about understanding the immediate mental health impacts of climate related disasters and long term stressors of living with the reality of climate change over time. To Eva, learning emotional resiliency skills with ways of motivating effective action and creating intentional moments of reconnection with the earth and all her inhabitants, feel essential to our personal and collective wellbeing.