(1) Supporting Emotional Resilience for Children & Youth in the Age of Climate Crisis:
A workshop for parents, teachers, counselors, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends, and neighbors of children ages 0-18.
As trusted adults, it is our job to help children feel safe in the world. Yet how do we offer security when the future is so uncertain? How can we be honest with kids without scaring them? What is age-appropriate activism? Should we involve kids in our climate work, or will that place too big a burden on them? What creates the resilience that youth need now and in the future?
Join Good Grief Network’s experienced Facilitators Kristan Childs and Teddy Kellam as we dive into these questions. This workshop will offer an understanding of what kids really need from the adults in their lives as they face the climate crisis, and offer practical tools and resources for holding conversations and caring for ourselves as caregivers. The workshop will be interactive, featuring journaling, grounding exercises, and a chance to share with one another.
(2) Resilience in Chaotic Times: Building Our Inner Resources
As the climate crisis intensifies, how do we develop the resilience needed to navigate these times? How can we live with open eyes and open hearts and not become overwhelmed by the losses and suffering we face? We must learn how to move through difficult feelings like grief, disappointment, anger, and frustration to prevent overwhelm and burnout. To make this possible, our communities need opportunities and spaces for people to show up authentically, share honestly, feel heard and receive collective support.
In this experiential workshop, Good Grief Network facilitators will discuss the importance of emotional processing for intentional, imaginative movement building, and share about their 10-Step Program for building resilience and empowerment in chaotic times. The workshop will be interactive, featuring journaling, grounding exercises, and a chance to share with one another.